Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Month of Joy: Stained Glass Mitten

Sometimes the old classic crafts of my elementary days are the ones that I love the best.  I have fond memories of making tissue paper stained glass to celebrate a holiday when I was little.  Since we live in the warm and sunny southeast, school being cancelled due to snow is almost unfathomable.  Each year I host a "Snow Day" for my students.  I will bring your more details soon, but this is one of the crafts we make while "snowed in". 

I'm hosting a snow day in a my son's two year old class this year too, and it should be interesting!  Not quite the same as hunkering down with a room of 5th graders!  It was chilly out the other day (in the 50's...brrr), so we made a mitten of our own. 

All you need is wax paper, tissue paper, glue, and a seasonal cut out (I just traced an image from Google).  He loved ripping and gluing, and I attached it to the outline and trimmed.  It was a simple, seasonal, and fun project.  That brings me joy!


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