Sunny Days Classroom Kit

Brighten up any classroom with our printable kits

Lotsa Dots Classroom Kit

Colorful Printable kits help to cheer up any classroom

Sunny Days Classroom Kit

Organizational printables help keep your classroom functional and easy to manage

Back to School is a HOOT!

Colorful owls help bring an organized theme to your classroom

Lil Sprouts Educational Outreach: Lorax Party

Simply Sprout offers educational outreach to preschoolers using our classroom printable kits

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Month of JOY: Christmas Pancakes

Who doesn't love fresh homemade pancakes? They are a staple in our house especially on weekends, so why not try to spice things up a bit and make some Christmas pancakes. Just add a few red and green m+m's to your pancake batter and VIOLA an instant Christmas favorite. We just love enjoying our Christmas pancakes while singing our favorite Christmas tunes!

Month of Joy: A Child's Tree

There is a two year old in our house that is jumping with joy about Christmas!  He loves searching for his Elf on the Shelf, singing carols, helping to wrap presents, telling everyone it's "Jesus' birthday!", and having his own little Christmas tree.

I decorated a mini tree just for him on our screened porch this year.  He spends so much time out there, I thought this would be the perfect place for a special tree.  I rounded up things he loves like Matchbox cars, flags, and shiny ornaments from around the house.  We headed out back to cut some greenery for the boots, and he helped me make what he calls a triangle banner.  It's the perfect festive touch to his little play area.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Big changes in the New Year!

We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season!  What a wonderful time of year to celebrate and enjoy family and friends, and that's just what we're doing!  As we all clean up our homes, organize the toys and clutter, and make way for a new year of resolutions, we'll be doing the same here at Simply Sprout.  We're excited to be working on some new things around here and can't wait to see you in the new year!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Month of Joy: A Child's Tree

There is a two year old in our house that is jumping with joy about Christmas!  He loves searching for his Elf on the Shelf, singing carols, helping to wrap presents, telling everyone it's "Jesus' birthday!", and having his own little Christmas tree.

I decorated a mini tree just for him on our screened porch this year.  He spends so much time out there, I thought this would be the perfect place for a special tree.  I rounded up things he loves like Matchbox cars, flags, and shiny ornaments from around the house.  We headed out back to cut some greenery for the boots, and he helped me make what he calls a triangle banner.  It's the perfect festive touch to his little play area. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Month of JOY: Christmas Pancakes

Who doesn't love fresh homemade pancakes? They are a staple in our house especially on weekends, so why not try to spice things up a bit and make some Christmas pancakes. Just add a few red and green m+m's to your pancake batter and VIOLA an instant Christmas favorite. We just love enjoying our Christmas pancakes while singing our favorite Christmas tunes!

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Month of JOY: Snowman on a stick

What brings more JOY to a child's face than doughnuts. These yummy snowmen are easy to create and oh so yummy to eat!

All you need is:
Powdered mini doughnuts
candy corn
small round chocolates
twizzlers or other rope like candy
small cake perils

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Month of JOY: The Magic of a letter from Santa

Nothing brings more JOY than the Magic of the Christmas season. As a parent it makes my heart smile when I watch my little ones take in every moment and get so excited. As the big day quickly approaches we thought your little ones might want to hear from the jolly ol guy himself. Send them their very own letter from the North Pole and watch their faces light up with JOY.

Want to take it a step further visit
Portable North Pole and send them their very own personalized message from Santa complete with pictures of themselves inside his book.